On Wednesday afternoon, following a pretty damn good park day, Dolores Park erupted into what looked like an all-out brawl. According to bystanders, hanging out on what is fondly referred to as Tallboy Terrace, the fight included several women getting punched, a chewed-off ear, and a trail of blood on the grass.

Although witnesses tweeting about the event spotted police officers arriving to break up the brawl, a spokesperson for San Francisco Police Department told SFist they could not immediately find a report of any activity in the area. Until then, and as a matter of public record, we have these dizzying Vine videos from people around the park and, apparently, right in the thick of things yesterday afternoon. While these are not the first instance of fight videos ending up on the Internet, this is first we've seen of fights getting Vine'd into six-second snippets.

First, the shaky-cam long shot from across the park:

And now into the fray:

Tweeters in the area explained the scene using what can best be described as Lewis Carroll-ian prose. To wit:

We will, of course, update if/when SFPD gets back to us with an official report.