- These two snatch-and-grab smartphone thieves would have gotten away with it if they hadn't crashed into that telephone pole. [Haighteration]
- Semen cocktails are a real thing. S.F. Weekly food critic Anna Roth investigates. [SFoodie]
- Is this San Francisco teen the worst person on Instagram? Sure, why not? [Buzzfeed]
- 46-year-old man beaten senseless for his wallet and phone near 22nd and Mission. [SFEx]
- Lovely photos of Mission Creek houseboats. [Full Frame Collective]
- Behold: The S.F. Giants 2012 World Series Champions bowling ball. [MissionBowling]
- Man steals taxi, leads police on high speed chase to S.F. State. [CBS5]
- Practically lawless Outer Sunset still plagued by crime. [KTVU]