This handy map based on data from the city's Department of Building Inspection and published by the S.F. Public Press will tell you (albeit with a frighteningly large degree of uncertainty).

To explain: the city's Department of Building Inspection has been keeping a list of "soft story" buildings since 2009. The list names nearly 3,000 addresses in the city where weak ground floors could cause them to collapse in a major earthquake. The hope was to earthquake-shame building owners into retrofitting their properties to meet the stricter modern guidelines and the survey that gathered the information only looked at wood-framed apartment complexes built before 1973. So, if you're in a rent-controlled building chances are high that your building will make an appearance on the list (and then fall apart). There's one, tiny piece of hope here though: according to city inspectors the list has never actually been verified, so some of the addresses could be completely wrong. Either way, the list of buildings is handily organized by ZIP code and can be easily perused for paranoia's sake over on S.F. Public Press here.

In addition to the list of wobbly foundations, the frighteningly red-colored areas on the map represent parts of the city that are built on landfill and stand a high risk of liquefaction if the earth starts shaking. Perhaps you've seen that map before.