"Watch Out For the Golden Gate!" shouts the Appeal's headline. The tanker that sideswiped one of the towers of the Bay Bridge on Monday morning headed back out to see this morning with a tug escort following a week of investigation and safety inspection.

As you likely heard, the incident was minor, causing some damage to a fender around the Bay Bridge's Tower 4, and no oil was spilled — it's just that incidents like this bring back bad memories of 2007, and everyone has to appropriately freak out for a day or so until it's clear that nothing really happened.

The investigation did reveal that the pilot of the ship, 61-year-old Guy Kleess of San Francisco, had previously been sent for extra training after grounding another vessel in the Sacramento River in 2009.

The 750-foot Overseas Reymar did sustain some damage and will reportedly need more repairs before being put back in service. It's unclear where it's headed today.
