- Behold: A handy map of where to catch an outdoor movie screening in the Bay Area this summer. One of them is on a boat! [CurbedSF]
- New York Yankee Derek Jeter was spotted having lunch at Benihana in Japantown because it was his birthday and he's turning 16, apparently. [Tablehopper]
- Nobody cares about Ed Lee's perjury accusations anymore apparently. [SFEx]
- Chicken-fried duck tongues? You can get them in Napa. [GrubSF]
- Local band Sonny & the Sunsets take us on a lo-fi tour of the Mission. [UptownAlmanac]
- Willie Brown is worried about polls in Florida suppressing the black youth vote. [KCBS]
- Switching lanes while zipping through FasTrak at the toll plaza is a dick move, but mostly legal. [CA Watch]