In the aftermath of Saturday's day of action in Oakland, Mayor Jean Quan came in to the office on a Sunday to see for herself the damage at City Hall, where dozens of Occupy protestors broke in with a crowbar before setting loose on the place. The rush of protesters knocked over a model of city hall estimated to be over 100 years old, vandalized a vending machine (that'll show 'em!), and proceeded to burn one of the city's American flags on the front steps.

Snack machine casualties aside, the City Hall invasion had the effect of alienating some of the Occupy protesters and highlighting Saturday's disorganized protest that began with an attempt to occupy the long-vacant Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center. According to the Chronicle's damage report, many attendees at Sunday's Occupy General Assembly meeting explained they did not condone the vandalism at City Hall.

CBS5 has the raw video from Sunday morning's protest hangover, in which Mayor Quan walks us through her view of the damage:

Previously: Police Clash With Occupy Oakland On 'Move-In Day,' Tear Gas Deployed 400 Arrested