As San Francisco redraws the borders of the neighborhood districts represented by our 11 city supervisors, a few members of the Board might want to start trawling Craigslist for new apartments. David Chiu, Board president and supervisor for North Beach, Chinatown and the Financial District, for example would have to move out of his Polk Gulch apartment, on the edge of his district if the latest draft of the district map passes. Chiu has already said he's ready to pack up and move if his apartment ends up becoming a part of District 2, but the changes could also affect Supervisors Jane Kim and Malia Cohen — both of whom are only a year in to their terms.

Exiled supes would still be able to represent their district for the remainder of their terms, but running for re-election in the same district will necessitate a cross-district U-Haul trip, unfortunately.

Anyhow, the Redistricting Task Force should be approved by the middle of April, but in the meantime a few more highlights from the current draft:

  • District 5, now represented by Christina Olague and up for a new Supe in November, gets a slightly less awkward border on the Northeastern edge, but still includes that weird spur in to the Inner Sunset.
  • District 6 (mostly SoMa) grew a lot between 2000 and 2010, so the district will cede a couple blocks of office buildings South of Market Street to D3's Financial District.
  • District 9, the Eastern edge of the Mission and Northern part of Bernal Heights would gain some ground towards Dolores park and North to Market Street.

[SFGov Draft Redistricting Map]