- Muni's Candlestick Park shuttle has become a haven for public drinking, basically. [Twitter]
- District Attorney George Gascón's hair spotted looking impeccable at the Human Rights
Watch Voices for Justice Dinner. [SFWire] - Hipster candidate for Mayor goes to hipster Mission garage-psych concert. [@AvalosSF]
- Here you go, San Francisco: Two free douchebags. [Craigslist via]
- Some people like to dig up old photos of Muni buses. Some people like to dig up old photos of their parents. Some other people like to dig up old photos of their parents on Muni buses. Ta-da! [Muni Diaries]
- Annoyingly capitalized South of Market street food hub is coming along nicely. [InsideScoop]
- Coca-Cola tries to help save the Polar Bears with festive holiday cans, angers cola purists instead. [AP]
- Local radio station discovers people doing the Lindy Hop in Golden Gate Park. [RichmondSF]
- Can San Francisco men pull off short-shorts? (Answer: no, not if they're named "Chubbies") [Refinery29]