Obvious anti-'Merica Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin spit in the eye of a crying bald eagle making heterosexual love to Michelle Malkin today after skipping a Chevron-sponsored Veterans Day hour for an Occupy rally. "About 100 protesters gathered in front of Richmond City Hall this morning for an Occupy 'speak out' addressing wealth inequality," reports the Oakland Tribune. "Organizers called the rally for 11 a.m., the hour traditionally reserved for Veterans Day remembrances."
In part of an email sent to San Jose Mercury News, McLaughlin writes: "I choose to honor our veterans, not only on Veteran’s Day, but daily, but supporting an end to military warfare to prevent further fighting and dying in needless wars...I am a strong supporter of Veterans for Peace and Iraq Vets Against the War."
Local veterans groups and entertainment news channel Fox News lambasted McLaughlin for choosing her own battles. "[T]he mayor has ties to the Richmond Progressive Alliance and has a history of creating controversy in the city," sadfaced Fox.