It's, remarkably, almost the end of calendar-summer, and the symbolic end of East Coast summer when people throw big bashes at their summer shares, but here in S.F. summer has barely begun. And what says summer more than easily digestible bits of news from the alt-weeklies, via the web, from us to you, free of ink, which has a tendency to get gross when mixed with sunblock.

SF Weekly

Worth Reading:
If you can stand it, and if your concerns for the San Francisco city budget drive you to consume long articles about pension reform (both of these are big ifs), you should take a look at this cover piece about the growing pension crisis and newly announced mayoral candidate Jeff Adachi. Adachi is gambling, as you may know, on a ballot measure that would require city workers to pay a lot more into pension plans, and that will probably lead to a court decision that would affect cities statewide.

Funny: Yay! Webcomics!

Don't Bother: Something something dub-step producer something.