Fans of alternative transportation just got a new way to catch their flights out of SFO: a new bike lane has popped up along McDonnell Road, leading right up to the terminal at San Francisco International. While you stand there wondering whether people are really donning their helmets and tossing suitcases in to bike baskets, intrepid bicycle commuter (and SFist commenter) John Murphy has given the new lanes a test drive and has some feedback to share with the bike activists over at Streetsblog. Observe:

The new bike lane through here is completely asinine. As they started construction I thought it was decent, but as construction has progressed they keep producing new features which completely suck.

Ouch. OK so, it's not exactly getting San Francisco any closer to being a bike utopia, but it's a start at least. Read on at Streetsblog for more photos and what obstacles to stand in your way before you even get to put your slick cycling shoes through the security scanner.

[ Bicycle Information]