- The Giants were down in San Diego last night, where Aubrey Huff tied the game in the top of the Ninth. Final score: 6-2, San Francisco. [MLB.com]
- Staff at the Bay Citizen vote to unionize. If a "Banjo-banging billionaire's" charity case online newspaper can do it, what does this mean for the rest of the Internet's free-spirited writing staff? [SFAppeal]
- How Google Diva and Cupcake Queen Marissa Mayer ruined your rush hour commute (and documented it on Google+). [Gawker]
- Hacking construction signs, like the Zombies Plunder SF sign that popped up on Park Presidio the other day, is vandalism apparently. So, now we can call it rebellious street art, marvel at it and wait for "hacked" CalTrans signs to pop up in gallery showings. [SFEx]
- Mystery smell at Van Ness Station explained. (Hint: It's pee.) [MuniDiaries]
- Another closure on Park Presidio Blvd/Highway 1 towards the Golden Gate Bridge this weekend. Don't get confused. [RichmondSF]
- When everyone else was rushing to sold out screenings of Harry Potter, one reporter for the Atlantic was in an empty theater watching the Sarah Palin documentary Undefeated. In Orange County, no less. [Atlantic]