Fancy this: Contagion, that flick Steven Soderbergh was in town filming just a few short months ago got a trailer already. What we know already: Contagion stars pretty much every actor who has made a successful movie in the past 10 years and has at least one big scene where a big horde of sickly looking people stream in to Candlestick Park (and possibly get blown up?), but that's pretty much like any other Sunday at Candlestick Park. Here's what else we've gleaned about the plot from a dry run of the trailer [potential spoilers!]:

Gwyneth Paltrow gets bird flu in Hong Kong and dies.

Wonderful. Couldn't have written a better screenplay myself, Soderbergh. Can't wait to see it in IMAX. See you in the theaters September 9th.

[Updated with a commercial-free trailer.]