The world might end on Saturday, May 21. Yep. Harold Camping, host of a local radio call-in show and Oakland false prophet, has made a prediction on the day of rapture. CBS reports: "The founder of Family Radio in Oakland - heard in 48 different languages around the globe - is behind the worldwide, multimillion dollar campaign letting people know that judgment day is coming on May 21, 2011." He anticipates an earthquake larger than the Japan quake - as well as all other sorts of doom/gloom. On Saturday, it is believed to be the day in which God beams his flock into heaven, leaving those of us (we're looking at you) to writhe in agony at the Devil's hands.
That, or throw a really bitchin' party.
Atheists are sponsoring "After Rapture parties" across the country on Saturday. "Non-believers will gather on Saturday to celebrate their prediction that the world will not end," reports the Associated Press. Zazzle even has some nifty, yet dangerous, styles to wear on the day of the final fetes.
Also, this Sacramento Craigslist poster wants your stuff on the big bad day. Behold:
Rapture on May 21st? I would like your stuff (Sacramento County)
Date: 2011-05-15, 4:08PM PDT
Reply to: xxxAre you attending the rapture on May 21st, 2011? I expect to be left behind when it happens, so if you aren't going to need your worldly possessions; be they money, cars, canned food, durable goods, etc; I would gladly take them off of your hands. Serious responses only, please. And remember, time is short! You can contact me by replying to this ad. I live in Ronkonkoma, But I'm willing to travel for said goods.
How thoughtful.
And on that note, those of you looking to get rid of your mint-condition iPad 2, before being consumed by the powers of Hell, should contact your SFist editor posthaste.
Any other parties going on? Let us know in the comments. Thanks.