We're pretty sure everyone saw this coming: a group calling themselves the Draft Mayor Ed Lee Organizing Committee has popped up to gently encourage His Impermanency to run for a full term in November. Lee, as you probably know by now, has said publicly that he would like nothing more than his old job back as City Administrator after his interim term is up, but as Examinista Melissa Griffin reminds us, he hasn't exactly been shy with the hints of a full-on campaign either. Since she generally keeps her ear to the cold marble floors of City Hall, we believe her when she says Lee would run if there is enough support for it. (Well that and, duh: of course he'd run if half the city told him to.) Anyhow, if you're on Team Mustache, you can head over to DraftMayorEdLee.org to read their list of Lee's accomplishments as Mayor and pledge your support through an online e-petition. Grassroots!

Hat tip to Melissa and her tipster for pointing it out.