View 2011 Bay to Breakers Booze Map in a larger map

Each year SFist makes it a tradition to post your much-loved Bay to Breakers Liquor Store Map -- by way of Joe Kukura of Exercising While Intoxicated, of course. And here it is. Beautiful, isn't it? Also, for further alcoholicky ease, make sure to download the booze map on your iPhone today.

Kukura also has word that rain is in the forecast for Sunday's big race. Fear not, dear racers! Because Kukura sees the naked forest through the urine-soaked trees. He writes: "Storm clouds may have a silver lining for race crashers. If you’re like me and running unregistered and carrying ten-plus liters of booze, realize there will likely be way less cracking down on crashers. If it’s raining hard at 7am, I bet you at least 10,000 full-price-paying registered runners just won’t even show up. Fewer police and security will be assigned to the course. Visibility will be a much bigger problem for security staff in heavy rain. Rain gear can be utilized to make it look like your bib is simply concealed."

Enjoy you 2011 Bay to Breakers, everybody!

Oh. Yeah. If you need it, here's your Bay to Breakers race course map.

[Map: Joe Kukura & Citizens for the Preservation of Bay to Breakers]