Our old comrade Zennie, who plugs away daily with his blogging, and vlogging, and sports coverage, dropped in on the Bay to Breakers office. It's a long (15 minute) video, in which he carries a camera around while he's introduced to the staff putting together the race, including race director Angela Fang. She discusses how every finisher in the race this year (if they're registered) gets a commemorative medal. And how there'll be bands along the course playing music reflecting some of the decades of the 100 years the race has been run (we're sure the drunk people will enjoy that, and it may also distract them from finishing and collecting their medals). The best part, though, is where Zennie admits that a couple of years ago he fell off the back of the press truck, presumably while trying to shoot video of the race. And he hopes that won't happen again.

[via Zennie62]