While California looks for additional funding to cover the $43 billion price tag on our high-speed rail project, Florida Governor Rock Scott recently turned down $2.4 billion in federal dollars for a similar project in his state. We're going to go ahead and assume Florida's non-retired population is perfectly happy traveling by swamp boat or whatever it is they do. As for the snowbirds - well, they probably realized they won't be around long enough to see the project come to fruition anyway. No skin off our back though, Florida's funds will be divvied up amongst the 15 other states with HSR projects and $300 million of it will land in California's coffers.

The new funds bring the project up to $6.33 billion - more available funds than any other state according to the Examiner, but still a long way off of the $43 billion goal. Because these new funds were unexpected, the High-Speed Rail Authority has yet to decide what to put them towards - either extending the initial section of track in the Central Valley closer to the Bay Area or South past Bakersfield, but if all goes according to plan, the trains could be scooting you off to LA at 220mph as early as 2020.
