- Blast from the past: A 1972 KPIX Eyewitness News report from San Francisco's Garden of Eden strip club in North Beach where the Lady Barker out front gives reporter Ed Arrow a lesson in feminism. [SFAppeal]
- Not that we need to examine this thing every inch along the way, but those circumcision ban signatures made it to City Hall yesterday, prompting the Chronicle to run a photo of a grown man in a penis costume. [Chron]
- If you're not down with BART's Oakland Airport Connector, now is your last chance to stop it. [CalStreets]
- Barack Obama Decoy on the 38? [MuniDiaries]
- Your favorite hipster, um... characters, visualized as various animal species. The "artisanal charcuterie maker" ought to look familiar. [Beautiful/Decay]
- San Francisco might have just become the most progressive city in the country when it comes to Urban Agriculture, but in New York they just grow stuff right in the delivery trucks. [Gothamist]