Imagine our delight when we found that a new site has launched today tracking the various delays and general mess that is Muni, at a glance, with a nicer interface than NextBus (because, well, how could it not be). It's called, and it's the work of one Sam Kimbrel, who writes of the launch, "I was bored this weekend and looking for something new to play around with, so I wrote a single-serving site." Clicking around here at 9:30 a.m. we see the 19 bus is "not particularly fucked" with average space between buses at 12 to 18 minutes. However the L is "probably pretty fucked" with 2 delayed vehicles (20 percent delayed) and a maximum gap between vehicles of 15 minutes. (The gauge of "probably pretty fucked" and "not particularly fucked" seems to vary between lines, where, in some instances, 20 minutes between vehicles is normal, and in some not.)

Also, the N, which had some problems this morning involving a train rear-ending a car, is still at this hour "pretty fucked." [via Muni Diaries]