If you were planning to tweet from Britney's concert at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, you've got another thing coming. Although the facility has WiFi, it will not be open to the public, according to a venue representative we just spoke with.

And don't expect to get anywhere with your magical and revolutionary cellular devices: when we asked the rep how cellphone coverage was in the building, he said, "pretty horrendous."

On the plus side, he added, because it's so good at blocking cellphone waves, the building can also withstand nuclear fallout from atomic weaponry. So, high-fives all around.

We're told there are payphones in the vicinity, so if you absolutely must tweet on your Foursquares and blog on your Facebooks, you can bring a handful of change and use Google's "Speak to Tweet" by calling 650-419-4196. It'll be good to see someone FINALLY putting that service to good use.