Yesterday, Bay to Breakers organizers announced they will be holding a ceremonial run on the morning of New Year's Day to kick off the race's 100th year. Runners from some of the original teams like the Olympic Club, the YMCA and Saint Mary's College will be trotting out from the Embarcadero at 10 a.m. tomorrow to recreate the original 1912 Cross City Race.

No word yet on whether the salmon will be able to organize in time to run upstream, and organizers didn't announce how many porta-johns would be made available to the teams so we hope no one stops to take a leak on our doorstep.

Tomorrow's run also marks the opening of registration for the "real" race scheduled for May 15th this year. Not that most participants ever register anyway, but the centennial race will be limited to 50,000 people who will not be having any fun due to a ban on alcohol, floats and "objects with wheels." You can still be naked though, we assume. Just not naked and rollerblading.
