In these colder months, it may be tempting to leave the weeklies where they lie in their street corner bins so that the homeless might fashion blankets out of them. Should that be your preference, we provide you with our own handy, ink-free summary of this week's stories.

SF Weekly

We kick off with the cover story about Tommy Wu, the San Francisco banking magnate who built a Chinatown commercial lender into a nationwide player, only to have it collapse in 2008 and to have him suck up a couple billion in TARP funds and FDIC insurance. Says one retired FDIC examiner, "The only explanation [that Wu survived long enough to steal taxpayer funds] is the FDIC management must have been smoking dope and inhaling. They knew he was a scumbag eight years ago. But they did nothing."

Michael Leverton pens some satiric (and rather dark!) predictions for the coming year, including "Bay to Breakers relocated to a sand lot in Colma," and "'Giants fever' is 100 percent cured by torturous losing game against San Diego." We take issue, though, with his prediction for May: "Brian Wilson last seen with a pinwheel at the Folsom Street Fair." Folsom happens in September, Michael!

Film: We have a rather lengthy profile of Sofia Coppola and her relationship with the Chateau Marmont, where she shot her new movie Somewhere.

Food: Jonathan Kauffman picks his favorite dishes of the year, which include a rack of lamb with chanterelles, mustard greens, and root beer jus at Sons + Daughters.

Chris Jensen rounds up the best theater of the year, and Best Ensemble Drama he gives to In the Wake at Berkeley Rep. We give thumbs up to that.

Music: Another year-end listicle.