Yesterday, yet another flight out of SFO headed for snow-man's-land was delayed due to backups at New York area airports. According to the Examiner this morning, Delta Flight 1940 was scheduled to depart at 11:40 a.m. Tuesday, but didn't leave the ground until around 3:30pm.

Passengers were left in their seats for almost three hours after boarding, but the plane didn't push away from the gate until 2:06 p.m so the crew wasn't technically responsible for providing the "adequate food and potable drinking water for passengers" as well as "operable lavatories" provisioned by the 2008 Passengers Bill of Rights.

So far, no one from the flight has come forward to speak out about the conditions in the lou, but one passenger (former SF Examiner local news editor) Juliana Bunim was quoted from an email to the Ex saying: "It's an outrage. No one has offered me pretzels and I might pass out."
