Some online writers launch sites with a bang, but continue with a whimper. Others start out with heaps of entertaining, albeit useless, in-fighting. And a few are clean out of their right minds. But not Andrew Dudley of Haighteration, a site devoted to the lower half of Haight Street, who started out with nothing but interesting posts written for local readers, not for other editors, colleagues, City Hall ilk, or bitter journalists.
Point bring: be sure to visit Haighteration. Often.
Anyway, it's all yours, Andrew.
- Another casualty in the Worst Week Ever for SF's cyclists. [Mission Mission]
- Don't panic, but Shrek's coming to town. And he's bringing Constantine Maroulis. [SFCitizen]
- Coast Guard detains Alcatraz swimmer after mistaking a camcorder for a gun. You know, because they look so similar. [SFAppeal]
- Looks like Zipcar could soon be facing some competition from... you? [Streetsblog]
- Support a local school by snagging one of these retro Harvey Milk t-shirts. [7x7]
- Can Outside Lands survive without Pearl Jam or Dave Matthews? Are Ross and Rachel back together? What year is this again? [SF Weekly]
- A very lickable tribute to Blanche Devereaux. [Humphry Slocombe]
- Plenty of fun in the Lower Haight tonight. Just saying. [Haighteration]