Equinox is starting off 2010 by celebrating its members. At Equinox's new My Body My Biography site, they're showcasing stories from members who have changed their lives with the help of Equinox.

One member who was helped by Equinox was A.C. who tells their story:

“I basically had to start from scratch. Eleven years ago, I was in a small plane that crashed. Both the pilot and his daughter and my best friend died. The doctors said I only had a 50/50 chance to survive. 30% of my body was burned and my neck was broken in two places. I was in the hospital ICU unconscious for 30 days, I had multiple skin graft surgeries and then after I fell while trying to learn how to walk I was put in a halo—a ring that is bolted to your skull to stabilize your neck. I had to learn how to walk again, how to brush my teeth again—you name it. The best part of my recovery was going to Equinox, because I could see improvements every day. Eventually, I was able to compete in the Ford Ironman World Championships Triathlon. A theme of Ironman is ‘proving the impossible possible,’ and that is really what my recovery/story is all about.”

Everyone has a story. Start yours today with a trial membership to Equinox.

The following post is from our advertiser, Equinox Fitness Clubs.