At around 4 a.m. this morning, moments after our dry skin-inducing heater turned off, we checked our iPhone's weather app and noticed a jarring number: 31 degrees.


Yes, it was freezing last night here in San Francisco. Records low temperatures were recorded in the North Bay too, with San Rafael registering at 32 degrees as of 9:30 a.m.

CoCo Times says that "[c]ommuters are braving sub-freezing temperatures throughout the Bay Area that have prompted weather officials to issue freeze warning along the region's roadways."

For tomorrow, inland areas can expect "temperatures of 28 degrees or lower" and more rain is anticipated for Wednesday evening, "with more rain into the end of the week," SF Chron reports.

Anyway, yeah, it's cold. We know this shock this annoying most of you California transplant readers. We'll try to stifle our amazement at this recent arctic chill blanketing the Bay Area. But still, wow; it sure is brisk.