Today's guest blogger editing Day Around the Bay? One of the broads behind Handjobbin', a SFW site that features everyday objects getting, well, hand pleasure.
Take it away, lady.
- Sexpigeon is coming dangerously close to a handjob with this one. Our lawyers are poised.
Hey! You can watch a video of how Berkeley-based Center for Investigative Reporting's California Watch group came up with their new logo. Apparently, BayNewser thinks this is a really cool idea, and says they'd like to see more "behind the scenes" stuff on CIR's blog. If only the world thought journalists jerking off were interesting, perhaps more of them would have jobs!
To that point, Nicole Lee says "I’ve been restraining my personal blogging efforts of late (due to my increasingly public profile)" Even after reading her resume and "about" page I'm not sure who she is or how she ended up in my RSS feed. Which means nothing, because my saying I don't know who you are probably means I am the ignorant one, but, still, who says this? She refers to personal blogging as "navel-gazing," but let's call a handjob a handjob.
What do you think of BeyondChron? Admit it, it's a little wanky, or wonky, or both. I don't read them that much because, like I mentioned, I use RSS and their site doesn't really work in it. But I was compelled to click through and search for this article because of ITS MAJOR USE OF CAPS.
The Central Subway will connect communities says the head of the MTA in an Op Ed on SFGate. The Central Subway "will disrupt the most genuine part of Chinatown" says retired reporter Gerald D. Adams. Wait. I thought the "most genuine" part of Chinatown was on Irving Street? This is more of a circle jerk than a handjob, but the grasping motion still applies.
Oakland's Joevon Bowen, allegedly a former member of the "infamous Nut Case gang," is being prosecuted for a murder committed in 2003. Which, a) you said "nut" and b) this article kind of leaves SFPD and SF DA Kamala Harris with their (limp) dicks in hand. So there you go.