Did you try accessing 4chan's /b/ boards this weekend? And couldn't? Well, we tried. And couldn't. That's because AT&T "blocked user access to portions of 4chan," a move that could result in sheer chaos and certain doom for the telecommunications giant. Seriously, this could be the single dumbest move by AT&T, a company noted for implementing none-too-swift ideas. 4chan, for those of you who don't know, is an image board. Sort of. It's also a place where some of the world's most evil and amusing online trolls converge. It's where people and companies are eviscerated. Also, its /b/ board, for lack of a better term, is the sphincter of the interwebs.

Just why AT&T decided to block portions of 4chan is anyone's guess at this point; 4chan's founder, Moot, claimed that they are, in fact, censoring parts of the site, namely /b/. Again, this will not end well for AT&T. As Valleywag's Cajun Boy puts it, "AT&T didn't just open a can worms, they dove headfirst into a den of vipers, and this will be very interesting to watch play out." Grab your popcorn, kids.

Update: According to Central Gadget, "AT&T appears to have restored access network-wide to all areas of 4chan." Also, 4chan might be currently down, due to a DDOS attack, Zoinks.

Update II: It was NOT "censorship, and not just AT&T." It seems "[m[any ISPs were trying to help 4chan by blocking the DDOS attack," a very, very angry SFist commenter informs us. The site, Valleywag reports, "was blocked for a purported hack attack against AT&T." Crisis almost averted!