For those of you who still read print editions of newspapers, did you happen to see San Francisco Chronicle's latest makeover? To be blunt, it looks downright lovely. The font, the sharper images, the cozier size -- all of it works. Much better than the previous format, we think. You know, if print issues are your thing.
On the front page in today's issue, they explain the new look thusly:
Today's editions usher in a brighter and more visually exciting era for the 144-year-old San Francisco Chronicle -- the first time it has been printed on new state-of-the-art presses [FROM THE FUTURE!!!] Readers will discover more color and an enhanced quality of reproduction in news content and advertisments. The Chronicle also appears today in a slightly more compact and economical size but without any chance in the content readers expect. Several years of planning and development led up to today's introduction of the new Chronicle.
Oh, and even better, Phil Bronstein has a brand new print Op-Ed running on Mondays. But (mercifully) you can read online as well.
What do you think of Chron's new format? SFist snapped a few images of it (on our tragically non-state-of-the-art camera phone) for your curiosity.