Because we've developed an addiction to this little site called Texts From Last Night -- to which users submit the funny / insane texts they either sent, or received "last night," identified only by area code -- we decided to share the best recent posts from our hometown brothers and sisters in a semi-regular feature. Don't fret, 510 and 650: should your work prove worthy, we'll spotlight you at some point too.

(415): I've decided that I only have enough money to either eat or drink over the next month. I'm sure you know what choice I've made.

(415): just did a line in a complete hula outfit off a chick in a devil costume. do you think hell will be this good?

(415): Left my ID again and at a Giant's game. This is the second time they accepted my handgun safety certificate as proof of ID to buy beer.

(415): $4 taco and $400 parking ticket. i am not a cheap date.