News of Sonoma County’s “Really Goode Job” first hit SFGate on April 28. Since then, hopefuls coveting the $10,000/month, half-year gig for Murphy-Goode have been applying online and uploading videos for consideration for the position. While most of the applicants are from out of state, one of the very few (thus far) Bay Area applicants is SFist contributor Deborah N . While we are, of course, ecstatic of the idea of one of our own winning the grand prize, (yet sad and depressed at the thought of her moving to an albeit free and glamorous house in Healdsburg for six month), we are curious about Deborah’s motivation for applying for the position. (Aside from the fact that we want an SFister to land this oddly, at least according to many MSM outlets, newsworthy job)

While Deborah is more qualified than most -- as one of the leading contributors to the now defunct, a quoted expert on winemaker and distributor websites, a known wine liaison for weddings and celebrations, and, ahem, an SFist contributor -- Deborah seems bittersweet about the position and her application.

I was very excited about the position when I first heard about it. I found out about it when a few friends emailed and told me I would be perfect for the job. So, I filled out the application online and uploaded a video that I felt very confident about. Then I saw that the employer was beginning to pick favorites on YouTube. This kinda raised a red flag for me, and I began to wonder if Murphy-Goode was really looking for what they were claiming to look for.