- LAist found out what mimes, midgets, gyrations, pyrotechnics, broken teeth, dancing, and hip-hop have in common thanks to Lil Wayne, T-Pain and Gym Class Heroes.
Chicagoist awaited the arrival of the International Olympic Committee and bore witness to a pair of protests schedule to coincide with their visit.
Phillyist got a kiss from Richard Simmons. No, really.
DCist had another rocky week waiting for the U.S. House to move on a bill that would finally grant the District of Columbia a full member of Congress: first a Department of Justice memo surfaced that questioned the legislation's constitutionality, then D.C.'s delegate appeared to be acquiescing to pressure from the NRA to include a controversial amendment that would wipe out the District's tough gun registration laws.
Gothamist had a big week of sports news: Citi Field opened for Mets fans, Yankees worked out at their new stadium, and the unemployed had the Unemployment Olympics!
Bostonist reported on a photographer who suffered police harassment while photographing a local bridge.
Londonist continued to keep a close eye on the G20 protests.
Seattlest compiled a "Things To Do in Seattle" list for visitors and rejected auditioners for MTV's Real World.
Torontoist interviewed Wayne Reuben, commercial artist and creator of some of simplest yet most gorgeous hand-painted signs.
SFist finally saw disgraced former SF Supervisor Ed Jew receive a hefty prison sentence for fraud and extortion. (The comments section, oddly enough, turned into a debate about the comedic validity of rape jokes.)