Our favorite 'no' judge in San Francisco, Peter Busch, brought the hammer down on beloved Walgreens today. See, after SF banned the sale of cigarettes at all Walgreens, the company, in turn, brought a lawsuit against the city, claiming they had every right to go against the wishes of the Board of Supervisors. Walgreens goes on to say that the BOS' "violated its right to equal protection under the state and federal constitutions."

City Attorney Dennis Herrera -- who, we suspect, will soon have residents nothing but cut flax seed and drinking kombucha tea -- said, "As consumers, we rely on stores like Walgreens to serve our health needs, not to enable our deadliest habits ... [c]igarettes are far and away our leading cause of preventable death, and San Francisco policymakers have a powerful rationale for keeping them out of drug stores."