Actor Oscar Nunez, who plays the gay character Oscar Martinez in "The Office," talked to the and suggested something interesting: Prop. 8 opponents should try to gain support by helping other communities.
The straight, Cuban-born actor suggests that gay marriage supporters "could organize events such as 5K runs in places like East Los Angeles, which has a large Latino population." Saying that protesters are "never going to change the mind of the Mormon Church," Martinez goes on to suggest that the queer community could go into different communities other than their own, "providing books for libraries or raising funds for playground equipment ... without mentioning Prop 8." Stuff like this could, most likely, encourage people to support marriage equality in return, he says.
We agree.
Read what else Nunez has to say. (An aside: Kudos, BAR, on getting this kind of helpful advice out there to the masses.)
Image: Flickr user lifeaskew (Wikicommons)
Bay Area Reporter