Guurrl, hold her earrings! Amanda Witherell comes out swinging in her recent post, "Nevius: check your facts. See, it's a response to C.V Nevis' recent article on, you guessed it, homelessness (Changing S.F. street behavior in small ways), which points out the rampant panhandling outside the Moscone Center. And Witherell moves left, she moves right, she goes at it full force with the esteemed Chron columnist about stuff like, um, meetings. Or people not liking SF when they get here. Or statistics. Or...something. Anyway, if you can't get enough deathmatch fun, also be sure to check out tonight's Litquake events here. One involves Tobias Wolff, the other Dennis Lehane. (SFBG, SFGate)