Dear Brittney Gilbert,

We know you have our contact information, because you've used it to ask us for interviews (which seem to have been canceled altogether, it seems.) And that's fine. But when we see a post on the CBS5 blog speculating on the health of our organization, we have to wonder why you didn't do the responsible thing and, um, ask us?

We know that you're "just a blogger" and yes, there was a time when bloggers weren't expected to do any reporting, just provide speculation. And, sure, we still do it every now and then, but we try not to do so when we have access to the people we're writing about.

If you're honestly concerned about the fate of "bloggers employed by big media," bloggers like YOU, here's one hint that might help you retain your job: open your email and contact us. (Our deep self-absorption means we're totally open to blathering on and on about ourselves! You can even contact us here! It's just that easy!) Because the Bay Area market just got the gift of a couple of excellent unemployed bloggers who have the chops to do just that, and if you're not careful, your bosses might be wondering if those guys are available.

Much love,