* San Diego vs San Francisco
Friday, August 29, 7:00 PM PST
Preseason Week 4
The Battle Of The Rivalry-That-Isn't

It's the final preseason game of 2008, with all its attendant stress/ennui.

Some gents will be fighting tooth-and-nail to glom onto their roster's final spot. Others will be full throttle-down, simply not wantin' to get hurt for sake of the regular season.

As is some-sort-of tradition, the 49ers are matched with the Chargers for the last preseason contest. Y'know, trying to stoke some-sort-of interstate rivalry and all.

Feh; hain't no rivalry. Niner fans will always hold Super Bowl XXIX over the heads of SD fans.

Also 'cause the Niners of the now can't compete with the Chargers of the now.

As they've been over the past couple seasons, the Chargers are good; but whatevs. They ain't elite.

Upper photo via chargers.com. Lower photo via mtv.com. And no, there will be no "Stay Classy San Diego" references. No.

(Comic Sans is mediocrity honed to a horrific razor tip.)