Yes, it's back. While it's hard to pick just one since so many of you have been extraordinarily stellar in the comments section, we starting selecting one comment per week that jumps out at us, brilliantly so. Last week's was brought to you by SFist reader jnice, who made a remarkable case for la Kamala, one that had us re-thinking the diva-y SF DA who took a verbal swipe from Quentin Kopp.

jnice said:

It's telling that the commenters that think KH is bad (and I haven't the slightest idea if she is or not) are all about grading a DA for their conviction rate. Presumably they think 100% is ideal - and therefore that no one innocent is ever accused of a crime - or if they are, it's worth a few innocent lives to make sure ALL the guilty are put away.

People like this can only imagine "what if I am the victim of a violent crime? What then?"

They cannot imagine "what if I am falsely accused of a crime? or battered or needlessly shot by the cops? or locked up for 5 years for a non-violent drug offense and turned into a career criminal?" but these things happen in big American cities too - just not always to the same people.