SF Weekly's Andy Wright has word that Gavin Newsom's radio show, cleverly titled "The Gavin Newsom Show," will break its hymen this coming Saturday at high noon. Eeeee! And it all goes down on, sigh, Green 960AM. (Really? 960AM? How very goddamn annoying. Fucking Christ. This whole "green" nonsense must die a violent, brutal, very public and humiliating death.) He joins the eco-friendly station, which already features such on-air talent as Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, and Angie Coiro.

We're not exactly sure what Newsom will prattle on and on about every week, but we do know it'll be done sexily. According to the show's site, Newsom will be "on his own" with "no rules," each episode promising "local personalities, newsmakers, and cultural icons, in a relaxed, intimate conversational format; and live phone calls as well." (SFist looks forward to the many, many offers to appear on the show!)

Stay tuned for a review of the first show, which, again, happens this Saturday at noon. Oh, and for those of you who are not our great-grandparents, you can listen to the show online, too.
