In a day full of angry citizens locking themselves to large buildings, three students were also arrested this morning after chaining themselves to the entrance of the UCSF Mission Bay community center. It seems that they're hot and bothered over the UC Regents for a myriad of reasons, but mainly because of "fee hikes, the use of the SAT exam in student admissions, UC management of nuclear-weapons laboratories, and what they called the university's lack of diversity." Also, members of the UC Regent clan are appointed by the governor, not via election. Boo.

What's more, these kids mean business. They're chaining themselves to areas around the building using bike locks around their necks, which sounds pretty dangerous. (Be careful -- especially you there at left.) The Gate reports that four people were still shackled to the doors, at least as of 9:30 a.m. Three of them are students and the fourth, it seems, is a "former student who said he had dropped out as a protest of UC policies." While we would like to call bullshit on the fourth student, we can't. Hate for the Regents runs pretty deep with most UC students.