FILM: In Being Michael Madsen, the titular star "turns the tables on notorious paparazzo, Billy Dant, by hiring a trio of documentary filmmakers to chronicle Dant's life, loves, and troubles." Crafty! The film also stars David Carradine, Daryl Hannah, and Virginia Madsen. Screens at The Roxie.

READING: Michael Layne Heath and William Taylor Jr. read in honor of Abraham Lincoln's birthday (and of being our first gay Republican president!) at Dog Eared Books.

* MUSIC: Put on your favorite black t-shit and whitest face powder. The queen has returned. Lead singer of Siouxsie & the Banshees and the Creatures, Siouxsie Sioux has influenced countless goth bands, punk outfits, girl groups, and trannies. Now, after a disastrous performance at the Warfield several years ago, she returns (this time to the Fillmore) for a two-night stay. Her "Mantaray & More Tour" opens with Rasputina.

CLUB: Before Trannyshack bids us adieu , check out the return of former Trannyshacker and current Scissor Sister Ana Matronic for "Ladies Choice" night. For those of you not in the know, the show starts a midnight at The Stud in SOMA.

The listed events were chosen by the editors of SFist and brought to you by the Click Here2009 Toyota Corolla.