It's that time of the year for all the big papers to weigh in on their choice for President and yesterday, the Chron weighed in and announced that they are going to support the guy who gives pretty, pretty speeches. You know, the Muslim dude who doesn't pledge allegiance to the flag, and just might be on the downlow: Barry Hussein Obama. And, yes, we know most of that stuff comes from a vicious, nasty email smear that's been going around and isn't in any way true, but come on, you gotta let us have some fun.
Obama also got the vaunted endorsement from the Bay Guardian giving him an in with the dreadlocked, vegan, Burning Man types.
The Chron supported him because unlike the other two, he didn't support the war before he supported it. The endorsement also goes on to say that there's not too many substantial differences in policy between Obama, Hillary, and that third guy we forgot about (Kucinich?) but that Hillary (and her hubby) tend to be a little controversial and not-very-nice. And apparently, Obama gives good interview. The editorial also spoke in support of Barack for his admission that he spent a good part of his freshman year smoking dope and listening to the B-52s.
Oh, wait, that's why we support him.
(Well, we're not saying who we support, but you gotta admit, that's pretty cool).