Well, not "all," per se, but on Monday night Paul Dahliwal, one of the three people involved in the Christmastime tiger attack at the SF Zoo, telephoned Carlos Sousa Jr.'s mother, Marilza, to tell her that he and his chums were "dancing, talking, and laughing" moments before the attack. (Doing the Turkey Lurkey dance, no doubt.) It seems that Paul also told her that they were not taunting the tiger, something that has been widely speculated.

Mark Geragos, attorney for the Dahliwal brothers, claims that the SF Zoo shifted into smear-campaign gear against Paul and Kulbir right after the attack, claiming that they had taunted Tatiana. This hearsay phone call info to Sousa's parents certainly helps reinforce the brothers' case.

It should also be mentioned that, according to CBS 5, "a necropsy of Tatiana the tiger revealed that the claws on her hind paws were torn or frayed, perhaps suggesting that she struggling to gain traction on the grotto wall, trying to get out." The reason for Tatiana's desire to get out of her pen just prior to the attack remains an unanswered question in this case.