One of the greatest misunderstandings in the history of US cinema -- oh please, as far as repeated viewings go, Ordinary People is a superior and more devastating film than Raging Bull -- is the genius of Sophia Coppola's Marie-Antoinette. A fantastic flick, really. It's gorgeous, laced with a few Bay Area inside jokes, oddly nerve-wrecking to watch, and the ending is perfect. Brilliant. In every way.

And, yes, while many would (with much vulgarity) argue we're seeing the film through rose colored glasses, for lack of a better term, we disagree with the zingers written about Coppola's movie upon its release. No, it does NOT look like Paris Hilton made the thing. Strip away your Embarcadero Theatre arrogance and your obsessive need for a plot - we suggest the awesome straight-male campfest that is The Sopranos for decent, plot-heavy entertainment - and see for yourself.

Sophia Coppola's Marie-Antoinette is part of the Cinema Supper Club series at the Legion of Honor.
When: January 10, 2008
Where: Legion of Honor
Time: First dinner seating at 6 p.m.; Marie-Antoinette begins at 8 p.m.
Cost: $20 ($10 members); dinner pricing is separate
For more info: 415-750-7633,