Who knew living in a city would be so noisy?

We received a few messages this morning regarding mass sleeplessness due to last night's Oracle Open World finale. Even the enchanting Stevie Nick's couldn't keep SF residents from calling the cops to ask what the hell was going on.

OK, I am going to try to sleep. I just can't believe . . . I live 3 miles away from the Cow Palace, and tonight Oracle is having their big "Appreciation Party" there. After closing Howard Street for two blocks downtown for an entire week ...tonight they have Billy Joel, Stevie Nicks & Mick Fleetwood (!), Lenny Kravitz, The Engish Beat, and The Smithereens in concert. It is so loud, you can hear it blasting all over The City, and I live 3 miles away from 'it'.

And according to the Chronicle, "apparently, the party was set up in tents outside the Cow Palace," which is why many SF residents could hear Billy Joel's wailing. But we're going to go ahead and blame Lenny Kravitz's set. His derivative music and rockstar persona is unsettling, can be felt near and far.