Oh man, it's moments like these that we miss working in an office. Almost.

You see, Valleywag has the most savory blind item today -- "CEO pisses on own grave". But for the life of us, we cannot figure out who in the hell they're talking about. (A recently ousted CEO? No idea.) And we must know.

This is the craziest thing we've heard in a while. And we at Valleywag hear some crazy things. Which Silicon Valley founder was ousted as CEO after an incident where he stumbled into work blind drunk, unbuckled, and peed on the carpet? What makes this tip more outrageous is the claim that he probably would have gotten away with a slap on the wrist, if not for the presence of a visitor. Specifically, a less-than-amused female marketer from Intel, there to talk ad sponsorships. That slipup provided the board with the excuse it needed to oust him. Any guesses who it was?

So, who is it? If you know, do let them (or, you know, us) know!