So, obviously, SFist can't even pretend to be neutral when it comes to Prop A. We've been covering its progress for months, and now it's evolved into a smart, fair compromise that has just about everyone on board -- everyone except a local Republican group. Our local GOP is backing the loathsome Prop H, which would, no joke, replace bus stops, trees, and bike lanes with parking garages. Could this be any more like The Lorax? Prop H would allow for unlimited construction of parking lots for "low emission vehicles," but ha ha ha, their definition of "low-emission vehicles" is so broad that it includes EVERY vehicle -- including Hummers. Puh. Leeeeeeez. And did we mention that Prop H was designed by a company that builds parking garages? Oh how terribly sly.

Anyway, the Prop A/Prop H battle is the most interesting thing on the ballot this year, so you should probably get involved. You do like interesting things, don't you? Local planning group SPUR is holding phone banks at a local SEIU building all this week, and you know how SFist loves phone banks.

They've also got an intriguing scheme cooked up whereby volunteers do some campaigning on buses and at bus stops. It's a neat idea -- after all, there's no better place to find the people who desperately want to fix Muni. But hm, how would you respond to campaigners hopping around during your commute? If someone approached us with a clipboard and flyers and talking points, we would probably not think to ourselves, "this person clearly knows how to improve the quality of a commute." Maybe if they were passing out thin mints.

But anyway. If anyone can find a way to make phone banks and street-teams tolerable, it's SPUR. And it's for a good cause, after all -- you can get involved by emailing transitnottraffic -- at -- gmail dot com.