The survey was conducted by the Ministry of Silly Walks and based their findings on such things as "air quality, the percentage of people who walk to work, access to parks, number of athletic shoes sold, and (believe it or not) weather. Weather wasn't that much of a factor (although it probably helped) but crime is. The two cities that did better than us was Madison Wisconsin and Austin Texas. We did better than our California brethern San Diego and San Jose, as well as Seattle and Henderson Nevada. Henderson Nevada? One thing they didn't mention, however, which probably is worth a mention too is hills. Not so fun to walk.
Say what you will, but SF is actually a good city for walking. It's small and compact and you can pretty much walk anywhere. We also have lots of parks which are all great places to walk, just as long as you don't make a wrong turn and wind up in a homeless encampment. Throw in bad public transportation, which is often the quickest way of getting somewhere, and it's a pretty good place for getting your walk on.
So remember folks, keep your heads in the clouds and your feet on the ground.