Anyways, the Chron did a story and discovered that MUNI has a lot of problems right now, mainly that it's on time only 70% of the time. That's 15% lower than mandated by Prop E. In fact, only three lines approach the 85% mark.
To fix it, MUNI is going to trying to hire more drivers and mechanics and try to work figure out how to deal with traffic congestion. Right now, they're using the 1 California as a guinea pig. and they got that working at 88%. Next up will be the 38 Geary. Another thing they're working on is trying to figure out how to get people on the bus quicker and not have to worry about everyone holding up the buses as they either pay the fare or show the driver their fast pass/transfers.
Okay, so here's some more information, some of which is kind of interesting. There is also charts and everybody loves charts:
-Only three lines right now are over 85% percent of the time. Fifteen are on time only 75% of the time.
-The worst line is the 80-Gateway Express. We've never heard of that line, actually. It turns out it runs from CalTrain to the Financial District and considering the whole point of public transportation is to get people to and fro ontime, especially for work, that's not good. Not good at all. The Top 10 worst lines can be seen in this chart.
-The most reliable bus is the 108-Treasure Island bus.
-The most reliable train is, are you ready for this-- the N Judah at 75.8%. We're guessing a lot of you are choking on your coffee at this very moment in reading that. The J Church, by the way, is on ime only 62%, something that is shockingly bad.
-The most heavily used bus is, believe it or not, the 14 Mission. That's followed by the N Judah and the 38 Geary. The 1 California is the only one reaching 80% on time.
You can see the rest of the charts here.